Nescafé Azera Nitro Coffee Promotion with our Sampling Bikes

Early morning coffee run? we’ve got you with thanks to our mobile sampling bikes that can be at any location in no time! Yesterday, we were supporting Havas Marketing Agency. Our refrigeration sampling bikes were out in the early morning rush hour for the promotion of Nescafé’s new great tasting, Azera Nitrogen infused Americano and Latte cold brew coffee, at the Grand Canal Dock Dart station on Barrow Street, and later, on Mespil Road along the Grand Canal at the lunchtime market.

The promotion was a great success. The product was very popular amongst consumers. Nescafé’s new Azera Nitrogen infused coffee is a quick and easy way to get that caffeine hit in the morning.

our sampling bikes are ideal for outdoor promotions targeting foot fall on the street which can be stationed at various events such as concerts and many others. Our sampling bikes for hire, are a fantastic idea for any promotions of chilled products such as drinks, ice cream, yogurt and other Fast Moving Consumable Goods (FMCG’s).

Eco Advertising, have a fleet of experiential on-street sampling solutions for FMCG products. For more information, give us a call on +353879676601


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