Eco Advertising is an agency that provides marketing solutions for Business to Business, and Business to Consumer matters.

Our Marketing Solutions include:

1. Providing mobile advertising units for any and all events to provide you with the best solutions for your marketing campaign.

Our advertising units include pedicabs; ideal for all events with two locations transporting guests from one location to the other.

We also have Ad Bikes which are 2 sided poster bikes; one of our perfect strategy for companies wanting to promote within a large area as these bikes can be seen from a distance. Click here for more details.

Our vehicles also include sampling bikes and a beat bike. The perfect marketing solutions these days, are promotional bikes as they are functional and practical because they are able to be placed anywhere.

2. Tailoring to your campaign and how you want it to operate.

Do you want unique on-street marketing solutions?

Well, All vehicles are customisable, being wrapped in print that is specified by the client.

Eco Advertising guides the customer in decision making, however the client has full control over their campaign and how they want it operated and how they want it to look, from the livery design on the promotional vehicle chosen, the position of the bike(s) at the venue and/or the route that the bike(s) cycle during the campaign.

3. Experience in on-street promotions using promotional vehicles for marketing campaigns

Eco Advertising have over 4 years experience in on-street promotions. Do you want quality service for the best possible campaign experience for your customers? Then Eco Advertising can provide the right solutions for your campaign needs

4. Business to Business, and Business to Customer experiences

Eco Advertising provides marketing solutions for Business to Business events and Business to Customer experiences, wether it be to create relationships with other businesses with a campaign using our bikes or to build on the relationship with your customers.

Want Marketing solutions provided for you?

Then, please get in contact with us by calling: +353879676601 or email us at